My Watch Journey: Watch Collecting Philosophy or Emotional Impulse?

Have you ever ask yourself about how are you collecting your watches? Does it base on your collecting philosophy or it’s just emotional impulsive?

If the answer is “Yes”, you are not alone and probably in the right place because I’m about to tell you how I am living together with these two schools of thought.

Collecting Philosophy

This is like a logical side of our brain. I think it’s quite a normal function of our brain to try to rationalize the way we think when we are trying to acquire any new watch or build up our collection. Our brain can start to set up some ground rules such as how many type, some might looking ‘only iconic watches’, some are hunting for only ‘watches with complication functions’, in opposite, some are searching for ‘time only’ watches, and the list goes on.

I also found some benefits of having this rational thinking as follow:


Strategic Thinking

I think it’s good to have a frame work otherwise our brain will go all over places. And once we have a set of rules that means we have some kind of goal that we are looking for.

Courtesy of Christie’s

Meaningful Watch Journey

As we all know, collecting watches takes time which is part of the fun. Establishing a set of rules for ourselves along the way will help to create stories of how hard or how challenging before you can own watches that you really want. The harder/longer, the more meaningful of that watch journey.

Developing your taste

As I mentioned so many times already, watch collecting is very personal. It depends on the taste of individual and it can change overtime. Therefore, it’s okay that your rules might change in the future. It might be from ourselves that we get older or it might come from other factors such as getting new careers, having a new born child, etc. When your rules changed overtime that means your taste has been developed too.

Emotional Impulse

This is more like a emotional side of our brain. For me, sometime I need a little push to have a courage before I can actually jump. My emotional impulse is that ‘push’. I also totally agree with Mark Cho (IG: @markchodotcom); co-Founder of The Armoury and Drake’s, he’s also a watch collector and his collection is very amazing, when he gave an interview with Tim Mosso (IG: @tim_mosso); Director of Media & Watch Specialist for Watchbox in Watchbox’s collector conversation with Mark Cho.

He was saying that “You have to ‘own something’ for a little bit. It’s okay to spend the money. Buy and do it and get sense for it. Because just reading a review or just seeing it in a shop is not enough. You have to handle it and live with it and see how it fits into you life. Because watches are personal things and it needs to fit into your life.”

I couldn’t agree with him more. After I listened to him a couple of times, I noted it down and then tried to understand it, I changed my way of thinking.


From only follow my ground rules and prevent my emotional to interfere, I rather to embrace it and allow some flexibilities and mistakes to happen which is a part of developing my taste as well.

My Final Thought

At the end of the day, collecting watch should be a fun journey. We don’t have to put ourselves too seriously. We should make it meaningful and develop our taste along the way as part of my “Personal Style Journey”.

What do you think? Please feel free to drop your comments below. Any opinion and suggestion are very welcome. It’d be much appreciated if you consider to visit & follow my IG account @mickyjicky and @my.six.point.five.inch.wrist

Thank you & See you on the next one!!